Principal's Message

Dear TORO Family: I hope that you are having a great day. As we approach the final stretch of the academic year, I would like to highlight all the successes that our students have experienced throughout the school year. Our students and teachers have demonstrated that hard work and dedication paid off. For that reason, I wish to emphasize the critical importance of attendance for academic success. April and May are pivotal months, in which we will have our End of Course and Advanced Placement assessments that will determine our students' achievements and future opportunities for our students. Consistent attendance not only ensures that students are well-prepared for these crucial exams but also fosters a strong sense of commitment and responsibility, vital qualities for success in any endeavor. Moreover, we are eagerly looking forward to celebrating the most significant event of the year - graduation. This momentous occasion marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It is a time to honor our graduating seniors' accomplishments and wish them all the best in their future endeavors. In addition to graduation, we have planned several exciting events for our seniors. Scholarship Night will be a wonderful opportunity for students to be recognized for their academic achievements and receive valuable financial support for their higher education. Furthermore, our annual prom promises to be a memorable evening filled with joy, laughter, and celebration as our seniors come together to create lasting memories. I encourage all students to stay focused, attend classes regularly, and give their best effort in the upcoming assessments. Let's make these last few months of the school year truly impactful and memorable. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Sincerely, Jose E. Iznaola - Principal Dr. Leonides G. Cigarroa High School

Mr. Jose E. Iznaloa
  • Mr. Jose E. Iznaloa

    Dear TORO Family: I hope that you are having a great day. As we approach the final stretch of the academic year, I would like to highlight all the successes that our students have experienced throughout the school year. Our students and teachers have demonstrated that hard work and dedication paid off. For that reason, I wish to emphasize the critical importance of attendance for academic success. April and May are pivotal months, in which we will have our End of Course and Advanced Placement assessments that will determine our students' achievements and future opportunities for our students. Consistent attendance not only ensures that students are well-prepared for these crucial exams but also fosters a strong sense of commitment and responsibility, vital qualities for success in any endeavor. Moreover, we are eagerly looking forward to celebrating the most significant event of the year - graduation. This momentous occasion marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It is a time to honor our graduating seniors' accomplishments and wish them all the best in their future endeavors. In addition to graduation, we have planned several exciting events for our seniors. Scholarship Night will be a wonderful opportunity for students to be recognized for their academic achievements and receive valuable financial support for their higher education. Furthermore, our annual prom promises to be a memorable evening filled with joy, laughter, and celebration as our seniors come together to create lasting memories. I encourage all students to stay focused, attend classes regularly, and give their best effort in the upcoming assessments. Let's make these last few months of the school year truly impactful and memorable. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Sincerely, Jose E. Iznaola - Principal Dr. Leonides G. Cigarroa High School